Category Archives: Mental Health

Gary Turk’s Viral Video ‘Look Down’ – A Disabled Person’s Challenge To ‘Look Up’

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This video makes a very interesting point. Disabled people are not considered often enough in campaigns such as these.

Same Difference

This is Gary Turk’s ‘Look Up.’

In just a couple of weeks, it’s gone absolutely viral. I was sent it yesterday and it did make me think, readers, BUT: Then I saw @BipolarBlogger’s challenge to it, which also has a very, very good point.

She posted hers yesterday. It hasn’t gone viral- yet. Will it, readers?

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One in five students has a mental health problem

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 A National Union of Students (NUS) study conducted in May 2013 shows that one in five students consider themselves to have a mental health problem.

Whilst this figure is staggering, it is not hard to understand why so many students struggle at university. For most, going to university means leaving home for the first time, often hundreds of miles away from friends and family, into shared housing with strangers in a completely new place, whom they often expect to make life-long friends with in the first few weeks of uni life. On top of this, students are thrown into studies with reading and assignments at a higher level than they are used to, and have to learn how to live by themselves, including how to budget costs of food, books and nights out in fresher’s week on a student loan. Read the rest of this entry